
Stacey stumbled upon Pronovias awhile ago and has fallen in love with their collections.  She has scouted every dress ever made, from Vera Wang to Oscar de la Renta to Priscilla of Boston, and tons more.  Yeah, there are dresses in their collections that are beautiful, but it seems to be like one or two and they're just, well, nothing is really jumping out.  But Pronovias, consistently, has designs with such elegance, almost all of them are beautiful and really feel like a 'collection' in that there is a common design element or theme running through each gown each season.  Funny cause days after proposing in Paris, we flew to Amsterdam and then Barcelona, where Pronovias is from.  We were walking down the streets doin' some shopping when suddenly we see the flagship store.  We were like "What do we do!?"  The guy isn't supposed to see the dress...but we're in freaking Barcelona in front of the dresses Stacey's been eyeing for 3 seasons.  So we go in.  Obviously with no appointment so nothing was tried on, but it was something for Stacey to see the dresses in person rather than just online.  I think that really solidified the designer she was going to go with.  She'd look stunning in any of those dresses.
The plan is to go to NYC to the flagship store there.  We'll make it a weekend thing where our two families go down.  The girls go dress shopping and the guys go suit shopping.  Then we meet for lunch and shop together for shoes! 
But most def check out their site and their collection and see how incredible these pieces are.  They're so classic and Spanish, yet really modern and current.

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